Halls Beer Cheese has partnered with some of the state’s most popular local brands to create care packages for frontline workers at AdventHealth, along with a bulk donation to United Against Poverty both in Orlando, Florida.
“We Kentuckians understand that Coronavirus is not a state issue, or a political issue. It is a humanitarian issue and we want to show our appreciation and support wherever it’s needed “ says Kit Crase, Hall’s Beer Cheese owner. “When I reached out to the other local brands, they had no hesitation in donating for healthcare or front line workers in any state” continued Crase.
Knowing the challenging work that healthcare workers have been doing and the tremendous sacrifice they are making, the three brands came together to provide some comfort and relief with a small show of appreciation. Each package will contain an 8oz. container of Hall’s Beer Cheese, along with bourbon balls courtesy of Ruth Hunt Candy, and a can of Ale-8-One soda, one of the most recognizable consumable goods products in the State. Since the start of this crisis; Hall’s has made it a mission to donate to food banks, shelters and organizations nationwide.